Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Whatcha Readin’ For?

Tao Te Ching   by Lao Tzu  Feng & English (trans.)- beautiful edition with great photos to accompany the text

Tao Te Ching  by Lao Tzu  Jonathan Star (trans.) - the most thorough translation I've seen yet; a great start to learning the Toaist text

Born Standing Up:  A Comic's Life  by Steve Martin (tape) enjoyable telling of Martin's attempts at being a professional entertainer; I love him and I'm glad I did the tapes as opposed to reading it because this way it was in his own voice

The Raider's  Bride  by Kimberly Cates - OK, OK - another romance - but it was summer!

The Charade  by Laura Lee Guhrke - another romance but not quite as good~ don't know if I'd read the author again, although i *did* finish it (which I usually don't with romances i don't really get into)

The Rebel and  the Redcoat by Karyn Monk - more romantic fluff - totally unbelieveable but for some reason i really enjoyed it (and really liked the hero)

The Secrets of Catie Hazard by Miranda Jarrett - fluff alert!  a quick-read romance

Fireworks, Picnics,  and Flags by  James Cross Giblin - a short history of July 4th celebrations & traditions

Mad Kings & Queens  by Rattle & Vale - a fun little compilation of many leaders through the ages and all the weirdo things inbreeding causes people to do~

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