Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Watch It, Buddy (Oct)

9/29 - Sex & the City  **** you'll like it if you liked the show; I thought it would've been better, though

9/28 - Recount **** - gets slow- but interesting tale about the '00 elections
       Run, Fat Boy, Run   ***1/2 - good watch on cable over the weekend fare

9/26 - The Foot Fist Way   **** This was hilarious to me but then my son's been in karate for yrs and I adore the satire~

9/10 - The Comedians of Comedy: Live  at the El Rey   **** if you seen other C of C stuff than a lot of this will be a repeat... but a lot of hilarity, nonetheless - and  I *love* CofC

9/9 - Vince Vaughn's  Wild West  Comedy Show **** wirth watching, but i love stand up

9/3 - The Promotion **** - pretty funny John C. Reilly film that didn't get enough press

8/30 - Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten ***1/2 - I'm totally glad I watched it but I didn't really like how they presented it; if you're not totally familiar with The Clash and the people they'd have been involved with at the time then it can be a little hard to follow

8/28 - What Happens In Vegas ***1/4 - it was OK; typical rom com

8/19 - In Bruges ***1/2 a bit slow but worth the watch - and it features a very hawt-lookin' Colin Ferrell - yum

8/18 - Tropic Thunder   ****1/2 - this was great!  iIdon't totally get the controversy - it's based solely on people really not understanding SATIRE; seriously, I laughed a LOT thorugh this

8/2 - Superhero Movie   ***3/4 - meh - it was OK

7/31 - Mamma Mia! **** - I *really* enjoyed this and will def watch again; cheesey romantical chick flick stuff + Abba tunes + fab eye candy (Brosnan & Firth - need I say more?) = good stuff

7/25 - Monster From Green Hell * once again, more sci fi oldies but this one was REALLY bad~ lol

7/19 - Mothra ** - more fun old sci fi camp
7/18 - Earth Vs the  Spider **1/2 more fun camp
7/12 - Drillbit Taylor ***1/2  not as good as I'd hoped but Ok; I'll prolly watch it again on cable

7/11 - The Beginning of  the End **3/4  campy old classic that was actually a lot of fun to watch

7/8 - Bruce & Lloyd   Out of Control ** -a little get smart follow up i rented for lance; this was pretty bad

7/6 - Kit Kittredge: An American Girl  **** kids fare but not animated and full of talent - I enjoyed this and lance liked it, too - not *just* for girls

7/5 - Liberty! ****1/2 - another doc on the Am Rev; from PBS - done really well

7/4 - 1776 ** - the classic musical really was pretty slow, IMO

7/1 - Founding Fathers  **** 1/2 - interesting documentary

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