Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Quiz Show

     The Regency Romance Quiz: What kind of Romance Heroine Are You

Oops - you seem to be the victim of an Accidental or Arranged marriage. You never intended to marry him. In fact, you may never even have met him before. But, somehow you managed to compromise yourself, or perhaps this marriage was arranged by your parents, all along. Either way, this is not a love match and you are angry, unhappy or afraid of the way things have turned out - at least, until you find yourself falling in love with him. There are so many ways this novel can go; maybe you distrust all men or perchance you just despise him personally. Perhaps he is a rake, or the enemy of your family or your country. Or, worst of all - perhaps you overheard him swear love for another woman, or express distaste for your person! But have no fears. Though misunderstandings (and probably seductions) will be plentiful, by the end of the novel, you and he will certainly have confessed your love for each other, and be well on the way to living happily ever after.


What Type Of Book Are You


You over exaggerate everything you can. You don't want all the booms and bangs of action and adventure you want to stick to those trusty spot lights. You are the person that people go to when their feeling down.


This one takes the cake, though ~

What kind of Procrastinator Are You

You are not a Procrastinator.
Oh for heavens sake, why are you doing this quiz? Are you trying to gloat at the rest of us? The closest you come to procrastinating is when you do the assignment which you like better before the one which is due first. You've never handed anything in late in your life, and you start writing your essays weeks before they are due - sometimes the day you get the topic. And where does it get you? It leaves you as the person with heaps of free time the day before the assignment is due, and nobody to spend it with - because all your friends are busy writing their essays properly, at the last minute. I just hope you are a worker and not a full-time student - there is no other justification for such appallingly over-organised behaviour.


~hahahaha - shows what they know!

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