Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Watch It, Buddy! (July)

6/29 - WALL-E ****  good sweet film

6/28 - Futurama: Beast  w/ A Billion  Backs ****  more of the same - just what I wanted!

6/27 - Them! ***1/2  old horror film about guant ants - fun!
       Comic Relief:  The Greatest...   ****  funny highlights from the past - worth watching

6/21 - John & Abigail   Adams: American  Experience *****  great PBS doc of our 2nd president
       The Gift ***1/2 really enjoyed this

6/20 - Get Smart  *** not as good as I thought and I really didn't like the casting of Hathaway w/ Carrell - too much age diff
       Mama's Boy    **3/4 not very funny

6/19 - Fool's Gold   ***1/2  cute fluffy predictable romance but I really like the actors for some embarrassing reason!  lol
       I'm Not There **1/2 I thought this was pretentious and boring

6/17 - Super High Me  ****1/2 not overly scientific but makes a point - funny, too

6/13 - Talk To Her  ****  Different kind of film it's hard to imagine being made in the States
       The Bucket  List **** I enjoyed it

6/11 - John Adams   ***** FANTASTIC!  Giamotti *is* JA for me now
      Kung Fu  Panda **** - fun family cartoon

6/3 - The Onion  Movie **** - reminded me a little of Kentucky Fried Movie - and that's a good thing!  ~hahaha
       Semi-Pro **2/3  - stupid - "Anchorman-level" Will Ferrell - and that's *not* a good thing ;)

5/31 - No Reservations  *** better than I expected but a typical fluff romance

5/30 - Human Giant  Season 1 **** - funny TV series

5/26 - IJ & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ***1/2 -just what you'd expect - it's fun, but son't overthink it!  lol

5/25 - I Know Who Killed Me *** - not as bad as I expected it to be but campy, nonetheless

5/24 - Terry Jones: Medieval Times   ****3/4  great series!

5/21 - Mad Money **3/4  I know why it flopped.

5/15 - First Sunday ***  not bad for cable - I'd watch it on a rainy Sat afternoon

5/11 - Baby Mama ***1/2 --a lot of the funny was shown in the commercials.  I hate that.

5/10 - Safe Harbor *  --Melissa Gilbert may well have the worst accent ever put to film.  Couldn't finish this Danielle Steel adaptation.  blech

5/2 -  27 Dresses **   -- This was really bad...plus I loath Katie Heigl.  This is like a Lifetime movie w/ a bigger budget.

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