Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Watch It, Buddy (March)

2/24- Eastern Promises  ****
2/23- American Gangster  ****
      Michael Clayton  ****
2/16- La Vie En Rose  ****3/4
      Elizabeth: The  Golden Age   ****1/4
      Away From Her ****1/2
2/15- 2 Days in Paris  ***
      Gone Baby Gone  ****1/2
2/12- The Assassination  of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford ***1/2
2/9-  The Jane Austen Book Club ***3/4
      Amazing Grace ***
2/2-  Juno ****
1/26- The Kingdom ***1/4
      Ratatouille ***3/4
      Abraham & Mary Lincoln: A House Divided *****
1/19- Good Luck Chuck ***
1/18- The Ten ***
1/16- Mr. Woodcock ***
1/13- September Dawn ***
1/12- Joshua **3/4
1/8- Keeping Up with the Steins ***1/2
1/7- Envy ***
1/6- Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human **1/2
1/4- The Brothers Soloman ****
1/2- The U.S. vs. John Lennon ****

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