Tuesday, December 23, 2008

July 3, 2008 ~ Whatcha Readin’ For?

The Bunny Book by Brooks, Jimenez and Tawan

---weak stuff.  Supposed to be a book by 3 former Playmates about living like a Playmate or whatever but reads more like a generic issue of Cosmo.  Nothing new here.  **

Innocent Traitor
   by Alison Weir

Fantastic fictionalized account of Lady Jane Grey - the 9 Days Queen.  This was Weir's first piece on non-fiction, and while I had to accustom myself to her use of the first person narrative, I devoured this one nonetheless.  Can't wait for her latest fiction - about Elizabeth I!  ****1/2

The Abstinence Teacher
   by Tom Perrotta

---Little Children is on my short list of best reads ever (much better than the movie) - his latest is about a divorcee sex ed teacher whose curriculum has come under fire by the new Fundmentalist church in town.  A good book but not another LC****

Divorced, Desperate and Delicious
   by Christie Craig

---a dumb fluff romance book; breezed through it in a day **2/3

Bunny Tales
by Izabella St. James

---this book was given to me a couple of years ago and I happened to stumble across it cleaning out for a garage sale.  St. James used to be one of Hef's girlfriends:  she lived in the mansion, attnded the parties and red carpets... and she spills.  About Hef, money - Holly, & Bridgette...It's an interesting read.  I just happend to flip into it when I found it and before I knew it I was reading it.  It's fast easy reading but it's kinda fun stuff.  I'm not a big Girls Next Door viewer but I've seen some eps and it was really interesting to hear about these people - especially in a book you can read in a day. ***1/2

Eat This Not That! by David Zinczenko

---a good general guide to alternatives in daily eating and at restaurants.  It's interesting to find the numbers on foods that *sound* like a healthy alternative but turn out to be the trash ***

An Affair Before Christmas
   by Eloisa James

---fluff, but a fast read - and had a holiday bent, which was great because I read this back in Dec ***1/2

I Am America(And So Can You)
   by Stephen Colbert

--I preordered this from Amazon and am SO glad I did.  If you like the show, you'll like the book.  ***** for sure

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