Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Quiz Show

     The Regency Romance Quiz: What kind of Romance Heroine Are You

Oops - you seem to be the victim of an Accidental or Arranged marriage. You never intended to marry him. In fact, you may never even have met him before. But, somehow you managed to compromise yourself, or perhaps this marriage was arranged by your parents, all along. Either way, this is not a love match and you are angry, unhappy or afraid of the way things have turned out - at least, until you find yourself falling in love with him. There are so many ways this novel can go; maybe you distrust all men or perchance you just despise him personally. Perhaps he is a rake, or the enemy of your family or your country. Or, worst of all - perhaps you overheard him swear love for another woman, or express distaste for your person! But have no fears. Though misunderstandings (and probably seductions) will be plentiful, by the end of the novel, you and he will certainly have confessed your love for each other, and be well on the way to living happily ever after.


What Type Of Book Are You


You over exaggerate everything you can. You don't want all the booms and bangs of action and adventure you want to stick to those trusty spot lights. You are the person that people go to when their feeling down.


This one takes the cake, though ~

What kind of Procrastinator Are You

You are not a Procrastinator.
Oh for heavens sake, why are you doing this quiz? Are you trying to gloat at the rest of us? The closest you come to procrastinating is when you do the assignment which you like better before the one which is due first. You've never handed anything in late in your life, and you start writing your essays weeks before they are due - sometimes the day you get the topic. And where does it get you? It leaves you as the person with heaps of free time the day before the assignment is due, and nobody to spend it with - because all your friends are busy writing their essays properly, at the last minute. I just hope you are a worker and not a full-time student - there is no other justification for such appallingly over-organised behaviour.


~hahahaha - shows what they know!

Now Hear This

4/15-  The Tudors- Soundtrack - love the show; love the music

1/23-  Britney Spears- Blackout - only Spears album I've liked/owened to date; this is gerat stuff for in the car, working out, and at the club

12/25- Regina Spektor-  Begin to Hope - like it, don't love it; prefer her other stuff
       Blondie- Greatest Hits - pretty good compilation
       Cream-  Gold - great collection of tunes from one of the greatest bands ever!
       Snow Patrol-Eyes Open - really don't listen to this much
       Timbaland- Shock Value - love the singles, what can I say?
       Fleetwood Mac- Say You Will - I adore the Mac

Whatcha Readin’ For?

Tao Te Ching   by Lao Tzu  Feng & English (trans.)- beautiful edition with great photos to accompany the text

Tao Te Ching  by Lao Tzu  Jonathan Star (trans.) - the most thorough translation I've seen yet; a great start to learning the Toaist text

Born Standing Up:  A Comic's Life  by Steve Martin (tape) enjoyable telling of Martin's attempts at being a professional entertainer; I love him and I'm glad I did the tapes as opposed to reading it because this way it was in his own voice

The Raider's  Bride  by Kimberly Cates - OK, OK - another romance - but it was summer!

The Charade  by Laura Lee Guhrke - another romance but not quite as good~ don't know if I'd read the author again, although i *did* finish it (which I usually don't with romances i don't really get into)

The Rebel and  the Redcoat by Karyn Monk - more romantic fluff - totally unbelieveable but for some reason i really enjoyed it (and really liked the hero)

The Secrets of Catie Hazard by Miranda Jarrett - fluff alert!  a quick-read romance

Fireworks, Picnics,  and Flags by  James Cross Giblin - a short history of July 4th celebrations & traditions

Mad Kings & Queens  by Rattle & Vale - a fun little compilation of many leaders through the ages and all the weirdo things inbreeding causes people to do~

Watch It, Buddy (Oct)

9/29 - Sex & the City  **** you'll like it if you liked the show; I thought it would've been better, though

9/28 - Recount **** - gets slow- but interesting tale about the '00 elections
       Run, Fat Boy, Run   ***1/2 - good watch on cable over the weekend fare

9/26 - The Foot Fist Way   **** This was hilarious to me but then my son's been in karate for yrs and I adore the satire~

9/10 - The Comedians of Comedy: Live  at the El Rey   **** if you seen other C of C stuff than a lot of this will be a repeat... but a lot of hilarity, nonetheless - and  I *love* CofC

9/9 - Vince Vaughn's  Wild West  Comedy Show **** wirth watching, but i love stand up

9/3 - The Promotion **** - pretty funny John C. Reilly film that didn't get enough press

8/30 - Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten ***1/2 - I'm totally glad I watched it but I didn't really like how they presented it; if you're not totally familiar with The Clash and the people they'd have been involved with at the time then it can be a little hard to follow

8/28 - What Happens In Vegas ***1/4 - it was OK; typical rom com

8/19 - In Bruges ***1/2 a bit slow but worth the watch - and it features a very hawt-lookin' Colin Ferrell - yum

8/18 - Tropic Thunder   ****1/2 - this was great!  iIdon't totally get the controversy - it's based solely on people really not understanding SATIRE; seriously, I laughed a LOT thorugh this

8/2 - Superhero Movie   ***3/4 - meh - it was OK

7/31 - Mamma Mia! **** - I *really* enjoyed this and will def watch again; cheesey romantical chick flick stuff + Abba tunes + fab eye candy (Brosnan & Firth - need I say more?) = good stuff

7/25 - Monster From Green Hell * once again, more sci fi oldies but this one was REALLY bad~ lol

7/19 - Mothra ** - more fun old sci fi camp
7/18 - Earth Vs the  Spider **1/2 more fun camp
7/12 - Drillbit Taylor ***1/2  not as good as I'd hoped but Ok; I'll prolly watch it again on cable

7/11 - The Beginning of  the End **3/4  campy old classic that was actually a lot of fun to watch

7/8 - Bruce & Lloyd   Out of Control ** -a little get smart follow up i rented for lance; this was pretty bad

7/6 - Kit Kittredge: An American Girl  **** kids fare but not animated and full of talent - I enjoyed this and lance liked it, too - not *just* for girls

7/5 - Liberty! ****1/2 - another doc on the Am Rev; from PBS - done really well

7/4 - 1776 ** - the classic musical really was pretty slow, IMO

7/1 - Founding Fathers  **** 1/2 - interesting documentary

It’s a Boy!

So, my Mom and her sister surprised their other sister with the most adorable little poochie, Casey.  Things didn't work out with him living there and after much discussion, Casey has come to stay with us - yay!  I'm not sure how long we'll have him but while he's here, we plan to enjoy him.

Casey is a 2 yr old Westie who was rescued from sure death about a month ago.  My Mom and my Aunt have been visiting him during that time and had playdates with him and Mac (Mom's dog).  We're all in love and I'm not sure who's going to end up with him yet; however, I can't possibly imagine him leaving the family and I've only known him half a day.

He has the best little personality - very calm and quiet and just wants to sit on your lap and love (and be loved).  He's a real sweetie... and guess what?  I think there are other Westies available.  So, if you want to be a part of helping to save a really precious doggie, let me know and I'll get you the info~


Celebrity ADHD

I find this inspiring~~~



Famous people w/ AD(H)D :


Michael Phelps-



(^includes link to his Mom's online group)



Justin Timberlake


Ty Pennington




JetBlue Airways CEO and founder David Neeleman




more celebs w/ adhd/add (or traits)

  1. Bill Cosby
  2. Cher
  3. Dustin Hoffman
  4. George Burns
  5. Henry Winkler
  6. James Stewart
  7. Jim Carrey
  8. Kirk Douglas
  9. Robin Williams
  10. Steve McQueen
  11. Sylvester Stallone
  12. Will Smith
  13. Tom Smothers
  14. Anne Bancroft
  15. Whoopi Goldberg
  16. Danny Glover
  17. Babe Ruth
  18. Michael Jordan
  19. Magic Johnson
  20. Jason Kidd
  21. Chris Kaman
  22. Nolan Ryan
  23. Leonardo da Vinci
  24. Wright Brothers
  25. Galileo
  26. Albert Einstein
  27. William Wrigley
  28. Benjamin Franklin
  29. Pete Rose



terry bradshaw

salvador dali

thomas edison

james carville

mariette hartley (her daughter, too)



billionaire Malcolm Forbes;

steel baron Andrew Carnegie;

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill;

physicist Steven ("A Brief History of Time") Hawkins;

publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst

      (in one study, 85 percent of journalists surveyed had AD(H)D);

President John F. Kennedy, brother Robert, & son, John Jr.

Academy Award winner Steven Spielberg

Sir Isaac Newton


Watch It, Buddy! (July)

6/29 - WALL-E ****  good sweet film

6/28 - Futurama: Beast  w/ A Billion  Backs ****  more of the same - just what I wanted!

6/27 - Them! ***1/2  old horror film about guant ants - fun!
       Comic Relief:  The Greatest...   ****  funny highlights from the past - worth watching

6/21 - John & Abigail   Adams: American  Experience *****  great PBS doc of our 2nd president
       The Gift ***1/2 really enjoyed this

6/20 - Get Smart  *** not as good as I thought and I really didn't like the casting of Hathaway w/ Carrell - too much age diff
       Mama's Boy    **3/4 not very funny

6/19 - Fool's Gold   ***1/2  cute fluffy predictable romance but I really like the actors for some embarrassing reason!  lol
       I'm Not There **1/2 I thought this was pretentious and boring

6/17 - Super High Me  ****1/2 not overly scientific but makes a point - funny, too

6/13 - Talk To Her  ****  Different kind of film it's hard to imagine being made in the States
       The Bucket  List **** I enjoyed it

6/11 - John Adams   ***** FANTASTIC!  Giamotti *is* JA for me now
      Kung Fu  Panda **** - fun family cartoon

6/3 - The Onion  Movie **** - reminded me a little of Kentucky Fried Movie - and that's a good thing!  ~hahaha
       Semi-Pro **2/3  - stupid - "Anchorman-level" Will Ferrell - and that's *not* a good thing ;)

5/31 - No Reservations  *** better than I expected but a typical fluff romance

5/30 - Human Giant  Season 1 **** - funny TV series

5/26 - IJ & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ***1/2 -just what you'd expect - it's fun, but son't overthink it!  lol

5/25 - I Know Who Killed Me *** - not as bad as I expected it to be but campy, nonetheless

5/24 - Terry Jones: Medieval Times   ****3/4  great series!

5/21 - Mad Money **3/4  I know why it flopped.

5/15 - First Sunday ***  not bad for cable - I'd watch it on a rainy Sat afternoon

5/11 - Baby Mama ***1/2 --a lot of the funny was shown in the commercials.  I hate that.

5/10 - Safe Harbor *  --Melissa Gilbert may well have the worst accent ever put to film.  Couldn't finish this Danielle Steel adaptation.  blech

5/2 -  27 Dresses **   -- This was really bad...plus I loath Katie Heigl.  This is like a Lifetime movie w/ a bigger budget.

July 3, 2008 ~ Whatcha Readin’ For?

The Bunny Book by Brooks, Jimenez and Tawan

---weak stuff.  Supposed to be a book by 3 former Playmates about living like a Playmate or whatever but reads more like a generic issue of Cosmo.  Nothing new here.  **

Innocent Traitor
   by Alison Weir

Fantastic fictionalized account of Lady Jane Grey - the 9 Days Queen.  This was Weir's first piece on non-fiction, and while I had to accustom myself to her use of the first person narrative, I devoured this one nonetheless.  Can't wait for her latest fiction - about Elizabeth I!  ****1/2

The Abstinence Teacher
   by Tom Perrotta

---Little Children is on my short list of best reads ever (much better than the movie) - his latest is about a divorcee sex ed teacher whose curriculum has come under fire by the new Fundmentalist church in town.  A good book but not another LC****

Divorced, Desperate and Delicious
   by Christie Craig

---a dumb fluff romance book; breezed through it in a day **2/3

Bunny Tales
by Izabella St. James

---this book was given to me a couple of years ago and I happened to stumble across it cleaning out for a garage sale.  St. James used to be one of Hef's girlfriends:  she lived in the mansion, attnded the parties and red carpets... and she spills.  About Hef, money - Holly, & Bridgette...It's an interesting read.  I just happend to flip into it when I found it and before I knew it I was reading it.  It's fast easy reading but it's kinda fun stuff.  I'm not a big Girls Next Door viewer but I've seen some eps and it was really interesting to hear about these people - especially in a book you can read in a day. ***1/2

Eat This Not That! by David Zinczenko

---a good general guide to alternatives in daily eating and at restaurants.  It's interesting to find the numbers on foods that *sound* like a healthy alternative but turn out to be the trash ***

An Affair Before Christmas
   by Eloisa James

---fluff, but a fast read - and had a holiday bent, which was great because I read this back in Dec ***1/2

I Am America(And So Can You)
   by Stephen Colbert

--I preordered this from Amazon and am SO glad I did.  If you like the show, you'll like the book.  ***** for sure

Watch It, Buddy (May)

4/26- The Savages I really liked this; great character study; wonderful acting -- makes you think~

4/25-  Charlie Wilson's War ****  It pains me to admit, as I loathe Julia Roberts, but this was a good movie.  Drama with chuckles and PSH is fantastic as always (but fair warning - the accents of Hanks and Roberts are horrible)
       Lars and the Real Girl ****1/2  A nearly perfect film (although bring your suspension of disbelief); deserved Best Picture nom and screenplay TOTALLY should have beaten Juno

4/24-  Death At A Funeral ****1/2  Hilarious British farce; I can see this as a stage show - I <3 Alan Tudyk

4/21-  Unfaithful *** typical Lynn
4/14-  There Will Be Blood *****  LOVED it; this is a love it or hate it film; acting doesn't get any better than DDL and he effortlessly carried this piece;  deserved Osacr over NCFOM

4/13-  Sweeney Todd ****  A fun watch; classic Burton
       Across the Universe ** Not for me.  Just a terrible story, a cheese-filled mess... but it was visually stunning - another I never bothered finishing

4/11-  Anne of the Thousand Days ****1/2 great telling of the Anne Boleyn saga (but please tell me why every depiction of Katharine of Aragon casts a dark-haired, dark-skinned actress?  She was pale and had red-gold hair.  The audience can handle it)

4/10-  Horton Hears A Who et al (animated) **** DVD has Horton Hatches An Egg, too - classic stuff  :)

4/9-  Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story ***1/2 I wanted more funny
      Great Kings of England: Henry VIII ****1/2 interesting doc

4/5-  The Madness of  Henry the VIII ****1/2 interesting doc
      The Devil and Daniel Johnston ****1/2 best doc on a person with mental illness suince Stevie

3/30- Atonement *** What a disappointment!  The "twist" was good,  I got into the Briony character through the years...  but who cares about the epic couple - there's no development there to be involved with the characters; if anything they came off like horny teens and little more.  I was expecting the Dr. Zhivago of our times.  Acting, costumes, cinematography - all fantastic... but who cares?  I guess I needed more backstory.

3/29- Dan in Real Life *** Lacks story, very slow, but an ok rainy sunday afternnon on cable film
      3:10 to Yuma ***  Not what I'd hoped but if you like Westerns I'm sure you'll enjoy

3/27- In the Valley of Elah ****  Good film - not sure about TLJ's Oscar nom but good stuff
      Why Did I Get Married? **1/2  slow & boring; stars are for Jill Scott - someone needs to get this girl in a good vehicle
      Into the Wild ****  Well-made storytelling with great acting (and a little serous Zach Galifianakis thrown in)

3/26- Becoming Jane **3/4  TOTAL let down - could have been SO much better
3/21- Upright Citizens Brigade: Asssscat *****  UCB - 'nough said
3/20- Smiley Face ***1/2  Nothing new here but decent escape
3/19- The Tudors Season 1 ****  Only reason to have Showtime - glad I caught up
3/16- Horton Hears A Who ****  Well-made kids' stuff

3/14- Romance & Cigarettes **  I get what they were trying to do... I just don't think it was done well.  definitely a script/direction problem as there is a bunch of wasted talent in this - 1 star for acting talent, 1 star for trying to go outside the box

3/12- No Country for  Old Men ****  Well acted and made but did NOT deserve that Oscar

3/6- The Comebacks **  Didn't even finish it; maybe I'll watch the rest when it's on Comedy central a thousand times in a year or 2

Watch It, Buddy (March)

2/24- Eastern Promises  ****
2/23- American Gangster  ****
      Michael Clayton  ****
2/16- La Vie En Rose  ****3/4
      Elizabeth: The  Golden Age   ****1/4
      Away From Her ****1/2
2/15- 2 Days in Paris  ***
      Gone Baby Gone  ****1/2
2/12- The Assassination  of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford ***1/2
2/9-  The Jane Austen Book Club ***3/4
      Amazing Grace ***
2/2-  Juno ****
1/26- The Kingdom ***1/4
      Ratatouille ***3/4
      Abraham & Mary Lincoln: A House Divided *****
1/19- Good Luck Chuck ***
1/18- The Ten ***
1/16- Mr. Woodcock ***
1/13- September Dawn ***
1/12- Joshua **3/4
1/8- Keeping Up with the Steins ***1/2
1/7- Envy ***
1/6- Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human **1/2
1/4- The Brothers Soloman ****
1/2- The U.S. vs. John Lennon ****